Effects of maximum dynamic exercise on electrocardiograms


  • J. Ponce
  • A. Álvarez
  • F. Pascual
  • L.P. Rodríguez



The effects of maximal dynamic exercise (sprint) has been studied on the ECG of 100 greyhound who run in programmed 350 m races. Two ECG were taken in each animal: one before the race and the other after the effort. After the race there is a significant increase of the voltage in the waves P, R and T in DII, DIII and aVF, and the T waves are symetrical in 96% of the subjets. The highest voltage and duration of the P wawes represent the efficacy of the atrial function on the maintenance of the cardiac output. The increase of the amplitude of the R and T waves would be a consequence of the systolic volumen increase and the establishment of transitory myocardial ischemia. The average heart rate increases in 21.740"30.109 b.p.m., beeing the difference significant. When we analyse the ECG after exercise with the resting ECG in relation with age, weight, sex, category and rank we deduce that the differences arent related with those groups, except to the heart rate and age, observing that the capacity in increasing it decreases with age.
KEY WORDS: Oxygen deficit, anaerobic capacity, performance, validity, fitness.


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Author Biographies

J. Ponce

Departamento de "Medicina Física y de Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica". Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

A. Álvarez

Departamento de "Medicina Física y de Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica". Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

F. Pascual

Departamento de "Medicina Física y de Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica". Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

L.P. Rodríguez

Departamento de "Medicina Física y de Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica". Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.





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