Analysis of students’ emotions in agreement with the dance teaching technique used
The main aim of this study was to examine emotional responses that pupils experience with the look and feel, as determining of the social judgment they are subjected with respect to the technique used during the dance practice in physical education. The sample was formed by 47 pupils from secondary, a class of 20 students received 12 sessions of dance education under Direct Instruction Technique and another class of 27 students received 12 sessions of teaching dance under Creative Inquiry Technique. The instrument used to know the emotions of the students was the self-report, collected at three different points in the process and analyzing its content with a categorical system. Results showed that the Creative Inquiry Technique increased pupils´ negative feelings related with social exposition whereas Direct Instruction Technique revealed a faster understanding of the contents. Hence, it is considered necessary that dance learning was preceded by a more directive basic teaching period.Downloads
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