Effect of an intervention teaching program, based on TGFU model, on the cognitive and execution variables, in the physical education context
The main of this study was to analyse the effect of an intervention program, based on the TGfU model, on the tactical behavior of secondary students in a unit of basketball. The study sample comprised of 46 students, with ages between 14 and 15 years, was divided into two groups (TGfU model group, n = 22, and instruction direct model group, n = 24). A unit of 9 sessions was applied, and the procedural knowledge, the technical execution and the tactical behavior of the students were measured in a real situation of game. The results showed students in TGfU model group displayed significantly higher procedural knowledge. Regarding the technical execution in isolation, significant differences were found in both groups after the intervention program in the three actions. In contrast, there were no significant differences in decision-making and execution in a real game situation in both groups. The findings show the effectiveness of comprehensive teaching programs of short duration (9 lessons) in educational context to achieve the improvement of procedural knowledge. We also highlight the importance to increase the duration these teaching programs to improve the decision-making and execution variables.Downloads
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