Optic and motor alteration in Balint syndrome: computer assisted occupational therapy


  • L.P. Rodríguez
  • R. Moreno
  • C. Flórez


Balint Syndrome, which was reported in 1909, is an affection produced by bilateral parieto-occipital lesions affecting the connections between the visual cortical regions and the prerolandic motor areas and caracterized by visual ataxia, failure to grasp or touch objects, and visual inatention. Beyond traditional evaluation and treatment methods applied from Occupational Therapy to the motor diseases produced by syndrome, we propose a new way to do them using new technologies, doing reality Computer Assisted Occupational Therapy.
KEY WORDS: Occupational Therapy, optic ataxia, visual attention, saccades movements


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Author Biographies

L.P. Rodríguez

Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica.Universidad Complutense de Madrid

R. Moreno

Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica.Universidad Complutense de Madrid

C. Flórez

Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica.Universidad Complutense de Madrid





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