Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education Questionnaire (AISDPE): A two-component scale in Spanish


  • Raúl Reina Vaillo Miguel Hernández University
  • Yeshayahu Hutzler
  • Maria Carmen Iñiguez Santiago
  • Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia


In Physical Education (PE), acceptance by and interaction with peers without disabilities is one of the most important factors in determining whether a student with a disability has a successful experience, such as to be perceived as members of the class, to interact with peers, and to feel part of the group. This study establishes the construct validity of a questionnaire in the Spanish language on attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disability in PE, according a model where attitudes are considered to be comprised of three components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Nine hundred and seventy-six PE students (491 girls and 485 boys) from eight public educational centers took part in this study. Using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedures, a two-component model of attitude was confirmed. Therefore this questionnaire may be used for surveying attitudes and measuring attitudinal change of students within the Spanish school system.


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Raúl Reina Vaillo, Miguel Hernández University

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